starting in the morning. i went NUS to attend some socio-political quiz. LOL. i know it isnt me to take part in such things..esp my knowlege in current affairs is really CMI. well.. didnt get into the final rounds(obvously)..but watching the top 3 teams competing each other..its very fun!! haha.. an hr of drama there..seeing a competition not of wits..but of the best sabotage method! teams get to sabo each other very jialat..and the fierest competition is btw ACJC n RI. lol.. this provves where one of many singaporeans' multitalents are. haha.
nest.. chalet!! went there late..but still got present my cards to all the birthday boys-and-girl. well..just let the pics tell our moments. there are quite a no. of videos actually..but would take quite long to upload..and plus some Mature Content. haha..
here goes the 1st round of the cooking competition!
is the wing on fire?? which superb chef manage to do this??!! can fight with Tao Le liao.. someone still got the cheek to smile.
Im on fire!! watch my smoke breathing techniques. (cant see in this pic actually)
plan B .. victim= shuan lim
plan A fully caught on video
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